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The Briars Between


978-1-03-918565-4 (Hardcover)
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# 1 - The Briars Between

Cover of the book The Briars Between.
Book Cover - The Briars Between

The Great War is over. But life around me . . .

It’s spinning out of control.

Jimmy came from the reserve for confirmation class. Instead of being his cheery self, he’s grim. As for my Jewish cottage friends, something nasty from Toronto is coming for them.

Oh, to discuss this with Miss Bessie. But she’s gone. Forever. Now, her nephew’s coming. Will he want us? If not, where will we go?

My home. My dreams. My body, too. All weird. Argh!

The Briars Between is thirteen-year-old Emily’s tale, revolving around her friendship with a Chippewa boy and two Jewish siblings—with the doubtful help of three Indigenous entities.

The first in a series, it is a fictional exploration of 1919, a turbulent time in Canadian history. It draws on the author’s family history, and that of Georgina Island First Nations and Jackson’s Point.

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